Throughout the cheerleading season, various regional and national competitions serve as qualifying events for the All-Star World Championships. These are often referred to as bid competitions. Dream Camps will now offer bids to the All-Star World Championships at ALL 3 of our overnight camps in Florida, Missouri, and Oregon

Paid Bids: These are the most coveted as they cover a portion or all of the team’s expenses to attend the All-Star World Championships. Paid bids are usually awarded to the highest-scoring teams at qualifying competitions.
At-Large Bids: These are invitations to compete at the All-Star World Championships. Teams receiving at-large bids will go straight to the semi-finals round and not have to compete in the Battle Round.

Judging Criteria: Teams are evaluated based on their performance, the last day of camp. Teams wishing to compete for bids MUST be in the Competition/Choreography track where your end of camp routine will be built. All routines will include a stunt section, a tumbling section, a jump section and a Pyramid section at a minimum. The top two scoring bid eligible teams will receive AT LARGE bids.
Bid Selection: Dream Camps will select bid recipients based on the teams’ performances. The number of bids available at each camp will be 2 AT LARGE bids. The PAID bid will be awarded at the end of the summer to one of the teams who previously received an AT LARGE bid.